Periodontitis and circulating blood cell profiles: a systematic review and meta-analysis



•Periodontitis is associated with hematologic changes (SORT A recommendation).•Higher leukocyte, neutrophil, and erythrocyte sedimentation rates are the most common findings.•Periodontitis treatment was a decrease in leukocyte levels. Periodontitis chronic inflammatory disease local systemic implications. Evidence suggests consistent periodontitis. Our aim to critically appraise available evidence on hemogram, leukogram, thrombogram alterations otherwise healthy patients suffering from periodontitis when compared controls. For this systematic review (SR), we searched MEDLINE, Web of Science, EMBASE, Cochrane Library (CENTRAL) for studies published up June 2020. Both observational interventional baseline standard levels were included. Outcomes interest values impact these outcomes. Upon risk bias assessment, data extraction both qualitative quantitative (standardized mean differences) analyses performed. Random-effects meta-analyses performed provide pooled estimates. The Preferred Reporting Items Systematic Reviews Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines followed (PROSPERO Reg. No. CRD42020164531). total 45 studies, eight intervention 37 case–control identified after final search 3,012 titles. Following quality 43 articles deemed have low bias, two moderate risk. confirmed that white red cell lineages. Severe greater blood counts (mean difference [MD] = 0.53, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.26–0.79) larger number neutrophils (MD 7.16%, CI: 5.96–8.37) lower platelet volume 0.30 fL, 0.49 ?0.10) participants. Nonsurgical periodontal (WBC) 0.28 109/L, ?0.47 ?0.08) (Strength Recommendation Taxonomy [SORT] recommendation). Higher WBC levels, higher neutrophil rate, volumes count findings. association between could be causal nature. Further assessment determine whether causes circulating cells identify molecular mechanisms underlying associations warranted. 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عنوان ژورنال: Experimental Hematology

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1873-2399', '0301-472X']